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at XYZ University

University Ave, Halifax, NS, Canada

at XYZ University

Our Lady of Guadalupe Chaplaincy

Staff with offices at this location

Closed from April - September for Summer

Visit us at:

Room J108

John Smith Building

XYZ University

123 Anywhere Street

Somewhereville, XX

A1B 2C3

Chaplaincy is open during the Fall and Winter Terms

Monday 9am-5pm

Tuesday 9am-6pm

Wednesday 9am-8pm

Thursday 9am-8pm

Friday 9am-4pm

Saturday & Sunday Closed

Weekday Masses

Tuesday 12:00noon

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Tuesday 12:30pm-2:00pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Tuesday 12:30pm-2:00pm

Thursday by Appointment

When classes are in session

Fr. John MacIntyre

Associate Pastor & University Chaplain

902-000-0000 ext. 05

James Bell

Chaplaincy Coordinator


Sarah Brown

Chaplaincy Coordinator


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